Thursday, October 14, 2010

Corpus Christi coming soon on theater ... in hell

Excerpt from a hoax email

Subject: Going beyond disrespect…The movie "Corpus Christi” is due to be released this June to August. A disgusting film set to appear in America later this year depicts Jesus and his disciples as homosexuals! As a play, this has already been in theaters for a while. It's called "Corpus Christi” which means "The Body of Christ." It's revolting mockery of our Lord. But we can make a difference. That 's why I am sending this e-mail or BBM to you. If you do send this around, we just might be able to prevent this film from showing in all over the world . Let's stand for what we believe in and stop the mockery of Jesus Christ our Savior. Where do we stand as Christians?At the risk of a bit of inconvenience, I'm forwarding this to all I think would appreciate it, too. Please help us prevent such offenses against our Lord. There is no petition to sign, any time limit, or minimum number of people to send this to... It will take you less than 2 minutes! If you are not interested and do not have the 2 minutes it will take to do this, please don't complain when God does not have time for you because He is far busier than we are. Hey, it's worth a shot! Apparently, some regions in Europe have already banned the film. All we need is a lot of prayer and a lot of e-mails. JUST GET THE WORD OUT and Jesus loves u

Well, okay, this is fun, especially when you have nothing to do at office. But at the moment I was busy, so I could only conduct a brief research and use a little logic. First of all, these kind of email is 90% hoax, so you shouldn't bother. Second, it makes no differences whatsoever if it was true or false, film is film, faith is faith. Third, as far as I know, there's no such thing as banning movie through forwarding SMS message, off course Vatican could request to stop movie or whatever they like just like some idiotic organization guys in Indonesia who falsely advertising the movies they hate the most, but most of the time it does not have nothing to do with forwarding SMS. Wake up and get real, just send SMS and get whatever you want? What happened to hard work and common sense and freedom of expression, especially in USA and Europe - where the hoax took place? Fourth, even Vatican didn't bother with the booming da vinci code, why they should bother with anything less booming that that? Corpus Christi has no book no movie no new york best seller whatsoever. It's a minor drop in the ocean of hoax and misleading information about catholic and religion in general. But, enough of the logic, lets get to the fact.

The story of corpus christi is real. It was on play in 1997 (or 1998) in new york. It was not a movie, it was a theater play. this is how it goes according to wikipedia;
Corpus Christi, a modern day retelling of the story of Jesus' birth, ministry, and death in which both he and his disciples are portrayed as homosexual. In fact, the play was initially cancelled because of death threats from extremist religious groups against the board members of the Manhattan Theatre Club which was to produce the play. However, several other playwrights such as Tony Kushner threatened to withdraw their plays if Corpus Christi was not produced, and the board finally relented. When the play opened, the theatre was besieged by almost 2000 protesters, furious at what they considered blasphemy. When Corpus Christi opened in London, a British Muslim group called the Defenders of the Messenger Jesus even went so far as to issue a fatwa sentencing McNally to death.[4] On January 19, 2008, Robert Forsyth, Anglican bishop of South Sydney condemned "Corpus Christi" (which opened for February's Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, a play depicting Judas seducing Jesus): "It is deliberately, not innocently, offensive and they're obviously having a laugh about it." The play also showed Jesus administrating a marriage between two male apostles. Director Leigh Rowney accepted that it would offend some Christians and said: "I wanted this play in the hands of a Christian person like myself to give it dignity but still open it up to answering questions about Christianity as a faith system."[5]

The controversial producer was Terrence McNally.

There's no intention to make it a movie, that hoax has been in circulation since year 2000 and it is very stupid to postpone a production of a movie for 10 years and still expecting to ban it through SMS. All of these only proved that there are more stupid Christians than the smart ones. Maybe Jesus Christ in heaven is slapping His forehead when He received this hoax (again) "Now, I'm a gay, what next? cannibal? prostitute?" and sadly this message is forwarded by His most faithful (but stupid) disciples.

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